The pictures were made in Ernstbrunn on a winterwalk.
10 weeks 14 weeks
Nicolas is my mothers cat.
It's fascinating to see him grow so quickly every
week and change colour.
Little house in front of the wood with a big and beautiful Erlenbaum. Malve blooming in my garden
Bodensee/ Vorarlberg. It was raining the whole day, but the next day
we were driving to St. Anton am Arlberg and had the loveliest weather.
It always makes me happy,when i find interesting mushrooms.
Frastanzer Herbstkuh ........................ and my picture of it.
School starts in five days.
I am busy, working for my 1.class,and....
It rained a lot the past two days
Ive been making these two new rings.
In the first one I drilled the hole to high but the second fits very nicely.
The snailhouses are flat periwinkle,which I found in Ireland .