Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010

Walking in the winterwonderland


  IMG_3416    IMG_3411  IMG_3494

The pictures were made in Ernstbrunn on a winterwalk.

IMG_2852IMG_3850 - Kopie

           10 weeks                                                 14 weeks     


Nicolas is my mothers cat.
It's fascinating to see him grow so quickly every
week and change colour.

Freitag, 3. Dezember 2010

New family member

IMG_2853 Nicolas  10 weeks



 IMG_3215  IMG_3223 IMG_3230 IMG_3221

IMG_3236We have so much snow right now. Hope it will be white also at christmas eve.


This is my Adventkranz this year.
Actually it looks better in real live.




little snow and big snow

IMG_2943  IMG_2956

And my arms , hair , skin and eyes reach out to touch this beauty and they do.

IMG_2958 IMG_2963 IMG_2989 IMG_2995 - Kopie (2)